Tzivos Hashem app for iPhone and iPad
First release : 24 May 2017
App size: 16.22 Mb
Access your Chayolei Tzivos Hashem parents account.
Campaign: Yomei Dipagra
Goal: To celebrate general and Chassidishe Yomim Tovim
Soldiers Tasks:
· To complete the Dinim and Minhogim for the Yomei Dipagra
· Participate in a Farbrengen rally in which the child listen to what happened on the Yomei Dipagra
· Sing a niggun that relates to that Yomei Dipagra
· Learn a Sicha where the Rebbe describes our orders for that day
Teacher Responsibilities
· Each Yomei Dipagra the teacher will make a Rally or a Farbrengen in class when they will: explain what happened on that day, how we relive this special day, teach the Rebbes sicha, and sing a Niggunim related to the special Yomei Dipagra.